Jingmai Qiao Mu Hong Cha

“Jingmai Qiao Mu Hong Cha” is a red tea from Pu’er County, Yunnan Province. The shoots of straight-trunk tea trees were used as a raw material; spring harvest of 2024.

In appearance: large, dark brown tea leaves, twisted along the axis. The aroma is intense, fruity and floral. The infusion is transparent, amber-colored.

The flavor profile of the ready-made tea is bright, fruity and woody, with honey, bread, spicy and citrus notes. The aroma is high and warm, fruity and floral. The taste is dense, clean, oily, sweetish, with a sourness of bergamot and nuances of spices, reveals itself gradually, playing with different facets. The aftertaste is stable, refreshing.

Steep the tea in a hot water (95°C) in a gaiwan or a teapot made of porous clay. The proportion is 6-7 g per 100 ml. The time of the first steeping is 30 seconds. After that do short steeps (10-15 seconds) increasing steeping time for each subsequent step, if necessary. You can steep the tea 9 times.

“Jingmai Qiao Mu Hong Cha” is an excellent red tea is at once refined and powerful, multifaceted and very aromatic. The effect is warming and harmonizing.

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